Monday, January 9, 2012

100 Fan GIVEAWAY!!!!

I just want to thank people for viewing my pages!!!

As promised, I am hosting a giveaway on my blog for reaching the 100 fan mark on my Facebook page!!

I will be giving away a $25 Starbucks Gift Card on Friday! To enter, please make a comment below and tell me what your favorite childhood memory is. Duplicate entries will be deleted, let's keep it fair! Winner will be chosen by my daughter from a bucket.

So tell your friends, tell everyone you know!! The more the merrier!

And if you haven't already done so, please like my facebook page:

Thanks for all of your support. It means the world to me!


  1. Let me be the first to comment Carolyn.....
    My favorite childhood memory.....
    Going down to Indiana every summer to visit my grandma and grandpa. I would stay there for the summer and come back in the fall for school. It was a great time, especially since both my grandparents passed away when I was 11 and 12.

  2. For Jenny F: Mine is going to disney world. I cant wait to take my daughters there :)

  3. Riding our bikes around the block, one at a time, trying to wear out the dogs.

    One person would ride around, as fast as they could, with the dogs chasing after. As they got close to the yard, another person would take off, distracting the dogs and giving you a chance to rest. Rinse and repeat, as long as our legs would move.

    Come to think of it, I don't think we ever actually succeeded in wearing out the dogs...

  4. Ok, entering mine on my own because you asked, not because I'm trying to get entered twice :-).

    Riding in the back of the pick-up (with cab on) with my brother when my family would go camping. We would always get along the best during those trips.

    It's Linda C. ...I'm not selecting a profile, but entering as "anonymous"

  5. Baking with my grandmother is one of the best memories I have growing up. Since I was toddling around, every Christmas holiday we would bake together. Whether she flew to WI or we made the trip to FL, we always alotted enough time for she & I to get in the kitchen & bake up some holiday goodness. When I was very little, she would include me & let me get my hands dirty & help as best as a 2 year old could. As I got a little older she began teaching me the how & the why to what we were doing. She could've taught me all sorts of things, but the main reason I wanted to do it was so I could just be with her in the kitchen. She wasn't so much a grandma to me, as much as she was a second mother. No one else liked to bake, so it was just "our thing" to do, once a year, just share in the moment & spend such quality time together & enjoy each other & at the very same time make super yummy Christmas cookies & other holiday goodies! My grandma gave me such a terrific memory, so much so, that now it is my tradition to share the very same moments with my girls in the kitchen. Every Christmas the girls & I spend countless hours baking, talking, laughing, goofing around, learning, teaching, but most importantly loving the time we have with each other. My girls will never forget this. Just like I will never forget the time in the kitchen with my grandmother. My only hope is that someday when they have children, they too carry on this tradition! What an amazing experience to pass on. :0) <3 You want to form a close bond with your children, get in the kitchen with them & bake something! Make it a tradition, make it a fun memory that they long for every year! You won't regret it, I promise! :0)

  6. I have an uncle who fancied himself an artiste. Truth was he could draw anything you could think of albeit in a pit of a cartoony, caricature way. He would come visit my grandparents and spend a whole day with me just drawing anything I asked him to. I remember the picture he drew me of an Indian sitting in front of a tepee was on our fridge for long after he has passed away. I wish I still had it..

  7. One of my favorite childhood memories is going to Michigan with my dad to visit Carolyn (and the family) - the hottub in the freezing cold and singing to some acapela group (they were AWESOME!!)... LOL...

    1. Good times. By the way, the a Capella was spike Lee's Do it A Capella, with various artists. I believe the VHS is still available on amazon, but I have yet to find a CD, which, (originally was on cassette tape) had other artists included. Do you remember cassette tapes???

  8. My favorite Childhood memory is making Christmas cookies with my Grandma. She passed away several years ago and I managed to remember the receipe so now I can make them :)

  9. going fishing with my dad..... we had lots of fun

  10. Catching fireflys in a jar with all my friends during summer cookouts.

  11. spending the night at my grandmas house and palying in her makeup and jewelry and playing in the ditch there with my sisters

  12. My favorite childhood memory is definitely gardening with my mom. She taught me how to plant flowers, pull weeds, and plant seeds in the vegetable garden And we would get to spend hours outside picking fresh vegetables in the summertime.

  13. Christmas with the family or either playing outside until dark!!!

  14. Amanda Walker FlemingJanuary 13, 2012 at 4:26 PM

    My favorite childhood memory would have to be going to my grandparents house. As I got older both my parents worked during the day, so I would go to my grandparents house. My cousins would also be there and we would always have a fun time. Some mornings we would make my grandparents make french toast for us and some afternoons we'd have them make us grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. My cousins and I would play school, house, doctor, and supermarket. When we'd play supermarket, we'd take all the food out of the closets in the basement and set the basement up like the store. My two cousins are like a younger brother and sister to me and I miss how close we were then (I'm in my 20's, so is my one cousin and his sister is almost 18).

  15. My favorite memory is riding my three Wheeler everywhere in my hometown.

  16. My favorite childhood memory would be when my whole family (aunts uncles cousins grandparents great grandparents siblings step half 2nd 3rd) would pack up and camp out in Yosemite National Park for a whole week each summer. Tents everywhere, by the third summer my sister and I could walk to the outhouse with our eyes closed because we camped in the same spot each year. My dad and unlces built steps out of the natural curve in the ground so we could get down a long hill without having to jump the ten feet or walk around to get down to the water. I learned to skip rocks, how to play mexican bingo, and how to roast the perfect marshmellow there. I have so many memories from those years. I only wish it never came to a stop as everyone got older ...

  17. I think my favorite childhood memory is just rambling through the woods with my brother. We lived in the Sierra Nevadas, gold rush territory, for a few years. We would try and track bears, glad we were unsuccessful, and fill our pockets with crystals. They were just laying around in the dirt out there.

  18. One of my favorites was sleeping over at my grandparents house because my sister and I loved waking up in the morning to ride our sleeping bag down the stairs :)

  19. My favorite childhood memory is any thing I did with my gran. Mostly cooking. She was my best friend ad passed 6 years ago. (Im 40) and I still miss her so much. But everytime I cook she is there.

  20. Ok everyone! The entries are now closed! I will be posting the winner shortly!!

  21. The winner is entry #9!!! Michelle Clements, please email your mailing address to Thank you to everyone that enters!!!!
